Browsing Category : News

Lidmaatschap NFN

NFN Membership

A few years ago, 2 out of the 52 became members of the Nepal Federation Netherlands (NFN), an organization with around 50 affiliated foundations that are involved with Nepal in some way.Read More

2 van de 52 Kerstaktie 2022

Kerst Actie 2022

Christmas 2022, time for our annual wine promotion! Treat yourself, friends, colleagues with a package with 2 beautiful wines and delicious chocolate. This helps the…Read More

2 v.d. 52 bibliotheek

We opened a library!

In November 2022 we opened a library on the terrain of the Shree Sharwan School. In cooperation with Wilde Ganzen and Thang Foundation.

Melanie en Sander zijn in Haripur geweest

Melanie and Sander visited Haripur.

In October Melanie and Sander visited Haripur. Shortly after, in Oct/Nov, Wijtze en his son Bjorn also went there and some major successes were achieved.