Browsing Category : Blog

Uitbreiding & Uitdaging

Expansion & Challenge

Food always brings you back to a certain feeling and memory. This is how I look back with value on the last journey I made together with…

Haripur 2021 – Blog dag 5

Haripur 2021 – Blog day 5

a day of many meetings and presentations. We started the day at the Everest Academy where we got very information about development materials, useful for nurseries and primary schools...Read More

Stichting 2 van de 52 - Voedselpakketten vanwege Corona

Food aid because of Corona

A devellish dilemma in Haripur: Taking the risk of being infected by Covid-19 or staying at home with a serious chance of starvation. In the whole of Nepal a complete lockdown has been enforced.Read More