Make the difference

Stichting 2 of the 52


About us

2 of the 52 is a charitable organisation aiming at improving education and hygiene for children in Haripur, Nepal. We offer development cooperation, not just financial aid. We are not benefactors but we want to set up projects with the local population which enables their kids to study, so that later they might be able to socially and economically develop their own community.


Our team

Wijtze Velema
Stichting 2 van de 52 - Rob Degreef
Stichting 2 van de 52 - Kirtika van Hunen-Malla
Arbind Kumar Chaudhary

Our team



Take a look at our Projects



ANBI Status

Foundation 2 of the 52 has been granted an ANBI-status.

Stichting 2 van de 52 has an ANBI-status (pending) which stands for Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, i.e. Institution for general good purposes. This status has been awarded by the Dutch tax authorities. This has great financial advantages for the foundation and also enables Dutch sponsors/donors to make their gifts tax-deductable. The main condition is that the Foundation uses all income for General Good Purposes. Besides that the Foundation needs to publish (annual) goals and financial reports, approved by an official accountant, on this website.

Stichting 2 of the 52, ANBI/RSIN number : 8577 18 162




Nepal Federatie Nederland

2vande52 is member of NFN, Nepal Federation Netherlands. This is an platform where over 50 organisations are united in furtherance of internal communication and cooperation regarding the needy in Nepal.

Dutch website

2 van de 52 Nepal Federatie Nederland


Subscribe to our newsletter

Our first newsletter is a fact. In July 2021, we sent a newsletter to our donors and everyone who supports us. We intend to do this 2 to 3 times a year to regularly update our followers. Would you like to receive this as well? Then sign up for our newsletter.

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